Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 01-Jul-2024 02:09 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 39877
Total Files 34416
Total Pages 32551
Total Visits 3509
Total KBytes 3044030
Total Unique Sites 2269
Total Unique URLs 744
Total Unique Referrers 1974
Total Unique User Agents 715
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 55 926
Hits per Day 1329 3081
Files per Day 1147 2257
Pages per Day 1085 2413
Sites per Day 75 272
Visits per Day 116 203
KBytes per Day 101468 253003
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 86.31% 34416
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 4
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.92% 368
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.04% 16
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 3
Code 404 - Not Found 12.64% 5042
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.07% 26
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.01% 2

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1293 3.24% 1220 3.54% 1196 3.67% 86 2.45% 90 3.97% 85066 2.79%
2 1221 3.06% 1165 3.39% 1157 3.55% 72 2.05% 85 3.75% 80206 2.63%
3 925 2.32% 879 2.55% 738 2.27% 156 4.45% 172 7.58% 73668 2.42%
4 1074 2.69% 1012 2.94% 908 2.79% 116 3.31% 167 7.36% 100909 3.31%
5 1356 3.40% 1281 3.72% 1270 3.90% 203 5.79% 195 8.59% 122853 4.04%
6 901 2.26% 811 2.36% 783 2.41% 164 4.67% 183 8.07% 75223 2.47%
7 835 2.09% 779 2.26% 657 2.02% 84 2.39% 164 7.23% 68755 2.26%
8 1201 3.01% 1096 3.18% 951 2.92% 132 3.76% 246 10.84% 102176 3.36%
9 1158 2.90% 1090 3.17% 914 2.81% 108 3.08% 206 9.08% 99214 3.26%
10 2511 6.30% 1080 3.14% 1763 5.42% 104 2.96% 168 7.40% 111846 3.67%
11 885 2.22% 742 2.16% 741 2.28% 133 3.79% 152 6.70% 62406 2.05%
12 1987 4.98% 1729 5.02% 1253 3.85% 121 3.45% 150 6.61% 88516 2.91%
13 906 2.27% 848 2.46% 745 2.29% 127 3.62% 153 6.74% 76110 2.50%
14 783 1.96% 667 1.94% 545 1.67% 140 3.99% 185 8.15% 50202 1.65%
15 1095 2.75% 801 2.33% 678 2.08% 89 2.54% 176 7.76% 71562 2.35%
16 784 1.97% 734 2.13% 592 1.82% 91 2.59% 161 7.10% 62112 2.04%
17 969 2.43% 889 2.58% 708 2.18% 123 3.51% 231 10.18% 73378 2.41%
18 984 2.47% 899 2.61% 711 2.18% 159 4.53% 247 10.89% 66615 2.19%
19 1359 3.41% 1116 3.24% 1068 3.28% 162 4.62% 264 11.64% 80825 2.66%
20 1134 2.84% 986 2.86% 822 2.53% 127 3.62% 272 11.99% 74158 2.44%
21 1558 3.91% 1392 4.04% 1172 3.60% 101 2.88% 207 9.12% 81305 2.67%
22 1218 3.05% 1060 3.08% 1001 3.08% 101 2.88% 212 9.34% 86770 2.85%
23 1342 3.37% 1096 3.18% 1107 3.40% 122 3.48% 217 9.56% 85025 2.79%
24 1766 4.43% 1628 4.73% 1467 4.51% 123 3.51% 211 9.30% 136961 4.50%
25 1796 4.50% 1696 4.93% 1703 5.23% 138 3.93% 127 5.60% 178580 5.87%
26 1599 4.01% 1536 4.46% 1522 4.68% 91 2.59% 92 4.05% 169039 5.55%
27 2054 5.15% 1978 5.75% 1991 6.12% 96 2.74% 93 4.10% 224090 7.36%
28 3081 7.73% 2257 6.56% 2413 7.41% 108 3.08% 113 4.98% 253003 8.31%
29 1208 3.03% 1143 3.32% 1143 3.51% 109 3.11% 106 4.67% 123334 4.05%
30 894 2.24% 806 2.34% 832 2.56% 110 3.13% 108 4.76% 80123 2.63%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 53 1618 4.06% 48 1453 4.22% 46 1401 4.30% 4438 133141 4.37%
1 74 2226 5.58% 67 2039 5.92% 49 1475 4.53% 4012 120361 3.95%
2 47 1416 3.55% 42 1287 3.74% 40 1205 3.70% 3898 116930 3.84%
3 59 1793 4.50% 50 1526 4.43% 50 1521 4.67% 4161 124819 4.10%
4 49 1498 3.76% 44 1330 3.86% 42 1269 3.90% 3977 119303 3.92%
5 50 1509 3.78% 45 1379 4.01% 44 1329 4.08% 4236 127089 4.18%
6 50 1518 3.81% 46 1407 4.09% 45 1358 4.17% 4452 133562 4.39%
7 47 1417 3.55% 45 1358 3.95% 41 1256 3.86% 4426 132791 4.36%
8 45 1377 3.45% 41 1258 3.66% 40 1201 3.69% 3990 119697 3.93%
9 42 1267 3.18% 39 1196 3.48% 36 1099 3.38% 3756 112676 3.70%
10 42 1274 3.19% 40 1205 3.50% 35 1076 3.31% 3731 111942 3.68%
11 47 1430 3.59% 42 1287 3.74% 39 1195 3.67% 3674 110228 3.62%
12 42 1274 3.19% 39 1191 3.46% 35 1078 3.31% 3487 104618 3.44%
13 58 1753 4.40% 51 1545 4.49% 45 1370 4.21% 3622 108648 3.57%
14 46 1381 3.46% 40 1228 3.57% 38 1166 3.58% 3581 107432 3.53%
15 42 1273 3.19% 38 1167 3.39% 34 1047 3.22% 3489 104681 3.44%
16 59 1781 4.47% 38 1142 3.32% 36 1088 3.34% 3421 102623 3.37%
17 76 2309 5.79% 40 1203 3.50% 59 1776 5.46% 3521 105616 3.47%
18 51 1537 3.85% 48 1464 4.25% 45 1367 4.20% 4701 141038 4.63%
19 65 1959 4.91% 59 1792 5.21% 52 1580 4.85% 4849 145480 4.78%
20 59 1784 4.47% 55 1650 4.79% 52 1573 4.83% 5071 152139 5.00%
21 67 2019 5.06% 61 1857 5.40% 56 1687 5.18% 5686 170591 5.60%
22 59 1778 4.46% 56 1692 4.92% 52 1569 4.82% 5507 165220 5.43%
23 89 2686 6.74% 58 1760 5.11% 62 1865 5.73% 5780 173406 5.70%

Top 30 of 744 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 12664 31.76% 1554376 51.06% /webalizer/usage_201409.html
2 5525 13.86% 671400 22.06% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
3 4754 11.92% 579481 19.04% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
4 3188 7.99% 36524 1.20% /images/titles/headliner.php
5 2399 6.02% 56114 1.84% /webalizer/
6 801 2.01% 77136 2.53% /webalizer/usage_202406.html
7 714 1.79% 4599 0.15% /
8 69 0.17% 1058 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202010.html
9 39 0.10% 531 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202112.html
10 38 0.10% 566 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202001.html
11 37 0.09% 424 0.01% /webalizer/usage_202108.html
12 36 0.09% 659 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201905.html
13 36 0.09% 536 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202101.html
14 36 0.09% 541 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202103.html
15 34 0.09% 397 0.01% /webalizer/usage_202106.html
16 33 0.08% 502 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201912.html
17 33 0.08% 514 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202012.html
18 33 0.08% 411 0.01% /webalizer/usage_202104.html
19 33 0.08% 524 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202105.html
20 33 0.08% 503 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202107.html
21 32 0.08% 399 0.01% /webalizer/usage_201911.html
22 32 0.08% 495 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202003.html
23 32 0.08% 486 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202102.html
24 31 0.08% 500 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201906.html
25 31 0.08% 503 0.02% /webalizer/usage_201907.html
26 31 0.08% 830 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202004.html
27 31 0.08% 503 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202006.html
28 31 0.08% 358 0.01% /webalizer/usage_202202.html
29 30 0.08% 370 0.01% /webalizer/usage_202201.html
30 29 0.07% 472 0.02% /webalizer/usage_202002.html

Top 10 of 744 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 12664 31.76% 1554376 51.06% /webalizer/usage_201409.html
2 5525 13.86% 671400 22.06% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
3 4754 11.92% 579481 19.04% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
4 801 2.01% 77136 2.53% /webalizer/usage_202406.html
5 2399 6.02% 56114 1.84% /webalizer/
6 3188 7.99% 36524 1.20% /images/titles/headliner.php
7 714 1.79% 4599 0.15% /
8 69 0.17% 1058 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202010.html
9 12 0.03% 855 0.03% /webalizer/webalizer.current
10 31 0.08% 830 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202004.html

Top 10 of 234 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 714 1.79% 622 19.92% /
2 4754 11.92% 182 5.83% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
3 12664 31.76% 175 5.61% /webalizer/usage_201409.html
4 5525 13.86% 154 4.93% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
5 2399 6.02% 73 2.34% /webalizer/
6 801 2.01% 39 1.25% /webalizer/usage_202406.html
7 69 0.17% 31 0.99% /webalizer/usage_202010.html
8 24 0.06% 17 0.54% /webalizer/usage_201003.html
9 31 0.08% 17 0.54% /webalizer/usage_202202.html
10 36 0.09% 16 0.51% /webalizer/usage_202101.html

Top 10 of 234 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 714 1.79% 610 19.72% /
2 5525 13.86% 301 9.73% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
3 12664 31.76% 153 4.95% /webalizer/usage_201409.html
4 2399 6.02% 88 2.84% /webalizer/
5 801 2.01% 40 1.29% /webalizer/usage_202406.html
6 69 0.17% 32 1.03% /webalizer/usage_202010.html
7 4754 11.92% 30 0.97% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
8 24 0.06% 17 0.55% /webalizer/usage_201003.html
9 18 0.05% 16 0.52% /check-work.html
10 36 0.09% 16 0.52% /webalizer/usage_202103.html

Top 30 of 2269 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 5681 14.25% 5681 16.51% 693594 22.79% 157 4.47%
2 3757 9.42% 3757 10.92% 458693 15.07% 8 0.23%
3 1084 2.72% 1084 3.15% 25769 0.85% 4 0.11%
4 643 1.61% 643 1.87% 61941 2.03% 1 0.03%
5 466 1.17% 466 1.35% 56705 1.86% 33 0.94%
6 424 1.06% 424 1.23% 49105 1.61% 4 0.11%
7 390 0.98% 390 1.13% 45028 1.48% 3 0.09%
8 371 0.93% 371 1.08% 43289 1.42% 4 0.11%
9 352 0.88% 300 0.87% 1544 0.05% 1 0.03%
10 339 0.85% 287 0.83% 1274 0.04% 1 0.03%
11 297 0.74% 297 0.86% 36478 1.20% 2 0.06%
12 293 0.73% 255 0.74% 1256 0.04% 1 0.03%
13 290 0.73% 290 0.84% 28389 0.93% 6 0.17%
14 259 0.65% 259 0.75% 30325 1.00% 5 0.14%
15 253 0.63% 253 0.74% 28400 0.93% 5 0.14%
16 250 0.63% 250 0.73% 30705 1.01% 1 0.03%
17 234 0.59% 234 0.68% 27156 0.89% 3 0.09%
18 232 0.58% 0 0.00% 832 0.03% 1 0.03%
19 220 0.55% 220 0.64% 5203 0.17% 2 0.06%
20 216 0.54% 216 0.63% 24945 0.82% 2 0.06%
21 216 0.54% 216 0.63% 24945 0.82% 1 0.03%
22 216 0.54% 216 0.63% 24945 0.82% 1 0.03%
23 216 0.54% 216 0.63% 24945 0.82% 3 0.09%
24 216 0.54% 216 0.63% 24945 0.82% 3 0.09%
25 216 0.54% 216 0.63% 24945 0.82% 1 0.03%
26 216 0.54% 216 0.63% 24945 0.82% 2 0.06%
27 216 0.54% 216 0.63% 24945 0.82% 2 0.06%
28 216 0.54% 216 0.63% 24945 0.82% 1 0.03%
29 216 0.54% 216 0.63% 24945 0.82% 2 0.06%
30 215 0.54% 215 0.62% 24822 0.82% 1 0.03%

Top 10 of 2269 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 5681 14.25% 5681 16.51% 693594 22.79% 157 4.47%
2 3757 9.42% 3757 10.92% 458693 15.07% 8 0.23%
3 643 1.61% 643 1.87% 61941 2.03% 1 0.03%
4 466 1.17% 466 1.35% 56705 1.86% 33 0.94%
5 424 1.06% 424 1.23% 49105 1.61% 4 0.11%
6 390 0.98% 390 1.13% 45028 1.48% 3 0.09%
7 371 0.93% 371 1.08% 43289 1.42% 4 0.11%
8 297 0.74% 297 0.86% 36478 1.20% 2 0.06%
9 250 0.63% 250 0.73% 30705 1.01% 1 0.03%
10 259 0.65% 259 0.75% 30325 1.00% 5 0.14%

Top 30 of 1974 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 12764 32.01% - (Direct Request)
2 9438 23.67%
3 642 1.61%
4 616 1.54%
5 319 0.80%
6 273 0.68%
7 266 0.67%
8 218 0.55%
9 184 0.46%
10 171 0.43%
11 150 0.38%
12 128 0.32%
13 123 0.31%
14 116 0.29%
15 114 0.29%
16 105 0.26%
17 103 0.26%
18 102 0.26%
19 101 0.25%
20 100 0.25%
21 96 0.24%
22 96 0.24%
23 96 0.24%
24 95 0.24%
25 95 0.24%
26 94 0.24%
27 94 0.24%
28 94 0.24%
29 93 0.23%
30 92 0.23%

Top 15 of 715 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2896 7.26% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
2 2456 6.16% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
3 1328 3.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
4 1307 3.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
5 1306 3.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
6 1305 3.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
7 984 2.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
8 930 2.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 884 2.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/120.0.6099.71 Safari/537.36
10 816 2.05% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
11 811 2.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Iron Safari/537.36
12 802 2.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
13 683 1.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36
14 682 1.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
15 681 1.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 23 of 23 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 19405 48.66% 15783 45.86% 1580438 51.92% Unresolved/Unknown
2 11887 29.81% 11523 33.48% 1047197 34.40% Network (net)
3 5827 14.61% 4511 13.11% 259532 8.53% Commercial (com)
4 1847 4.63% 1845 5.36% 94198 3.09% Russian Federation
5 732 1.84% 699 2.03% 62306 2.05% Germany
6 107 0.27% 30 0.09% 216 0.01% European Union
7 15 0.04% 0 0.00% 20 0.00% New Zealand
8 14 0.04% 13 0.04% 33 0.00% France
9 10 0.03% 1 0.00% 14 0.00% Canada
10 8 0.02% 0 0.00% 11 0.00% Australia
11 5 0.01% 3 0.01% 8 0.00% Non-Profit (org)
12 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 21 0.00% Netherlands
13 3 0.01% 1 0.00% 5 0.00% Ukraine
14 2 0.01% 0 0.00% 3 0.00% Educational (edu)
15 2 0.01% 0 0.00% 7 0.00% Professional (pro)
16 2 0.01% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory
17 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Bulgaria
18 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Brazil
19 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 2 0.00% China
20 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Colombia
21 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 9 0.00% Kazakhstan
22 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Mexico
23 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% United Kingdom

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20