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Feb 2024 2485 2409 2422 109 1137 7424333 3053 67835 67469 69599
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Oct 2023 6791 6538 6742 298 2850 7052054 9239 209031 202679 210548
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Jun 2023 6170 5858 6086 254 2249 4226579 7643 182593 175745 185112
May 2023 5703 5272 5647 240 1734 4562822 7457 175064 163446 176823
Apr 2023 2916 2680 2858 415 2154 4699873 12471 85752 80402 87503
Mar 2023 1502 1433 1449 211 1609 2902163 6561 44919 44449 46572
Feb 2023 831 785 760 103 1026 1823406 2911 21287 22007 23293
Jan 2023 680 626 632 144 1165 1573966 4487 19608 19417 21087
Dec 2022 976 701 923 129 1482 2072372 4005 28633 21741 30263
Nov 2022 867 182 821 269 1680 354503 8072 24640 5472 26028
Oct 2022 1947 1654 1882 380 1520 2526118 11804 58359 51299 60360
Sep 2022 2668 2572 2595 323 1656 4988711 9695 77850 77181 80058
Aug 2022 1378 1296 1304 320 2013 2698861 9943 40453 40188 42745
Jul 2022 2199 2104 2143 265 1908 4489482 8244 66451 65225 68192
Jun 2022 2810 2708 2762 178 1048 3516844 5347 82872 81240 84308
May 2022 1254 1205 1189 164 1548 2613148 5090 36886 37358 38895
Apr 2022 1350 1297 1313 137 827 3728326 4121 39404 38927 40527
Mar 2022 1340 1280 1297 122 948 4389790 3789 40230 39705 41551
Feb 2022 1221 1162 1177 143 1345 3495436 4025 32964 32559 34214
Jan 2022 1414 1367 1368 369 5641 3497792 11447 42416 42390 43862
Dec 2021 1001 959 954 134 953 2739346 4172 29596 29729 31047
Nov 2021 1180 1130 1126 146 1076 3067358 4405 33784 33929 35412
Oct 2021 1472 1418 1423 207 1042 2841780 6436 44121 43959 45661
Sep 2021 1488 1432 1445 197 1868 2352524 5918 43364 42963 44668
Aug 2021 1279 1232 1234 147 1346 2880570 4567 38254 38221 39679
Jul 2021 1181 1133 1144 252 1693 3282726 7821 35474 35146 36615
Jun 2021 1304 1243 1270 259 1570 3685417 7796 38100 37318 39139
May 2021 910 846 864 138 1077 2906247 4307 26813 26231 28211
Apr 2021 754 707 717 117 879 2124216 3535 21539 21214 22623
Mar 2021 965 930 936 98 720 2755080 3062 29036 28836 29935
Totals 149102382 228070 2733245 2648491 2790842

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